We are coming to the end of eclipse season with this week bringing us the first of this years 2 lunar eclipses.
While the ancients turned their pots and pans upside down during these eclipse phases to prevent the heavy energy from settling and bringing them chaos, there are planets of other do and don’ts that you can practice related to your specific, zodiac sign.
A big transformation that you’ve been putting off can no longer be avoided. If it’s to do with work and your income, exploring options for a side hustle or a transition into a job that you actually love can happen through your own curiosity this week but if you leave it too long, it could happen through an outside event creating the push.
This is a great week to take matters into your own hands.
It is not such a great week to sit back and hope for the best.
Collaboration is the answer to everything this week and if you can join forces with a person on a project or some business matters under this full moon eclipse, it points towards a new level of financial and material abundance as being very possible.
This is a great week to get serious about turning a long term dream into a reality.
This is not a good week for being a slave and doing all the work on behalf of someone else who should be putting in more effort.
Health and wellness could be your main focus this week and whether its because you’ve recently gone wild and are now trying to be good again, or are just generally interested in being the best version of yourself, your main theme is all about organizing your routines and habits.
This is a great week for a detox.
This is not such a great week for continuing indulgent behavior.
A connection proves beneficial in getting you ahead or giving you an opportunity much easier than if you had to work the long, formal way into it.
This is a good week for networking and communication, just like they say, “it’s not what you know its who you know.”
It is not a good week for logical work.
More time spent with or attention paid to your parents could be the case this week. If it’s not time spent with them, then it could be matters of your childhood and upbringing surfacing to be dealt with.
This is a good week for the return of a close friendship, one that you aren’t really sure how things even fizzled out.
This is not a good week for going against something your parents may suggest!
An issue with a car or computer could be extra irritating this week. Communication and transport are not on your side and roadworks or a local disruption nearby could interrupt a trip and change part of your routine. A spike in your phone or network provider bill might be questionably high.
This a good week to follow up on any abnormalities in billing.
This is not a good week for a long list of local errands to run.
The first part of the week the emphasis is on skills. The second part of the week the emphasis is on money. This could be the consideration of a new direction in your career, or a completely different role in your current one.
This is a good week for changing things up.
This is not a good week for permanent decisions or burning bridges.
You may be feeling a change of appearance this week, something like a new style or an upgraded wardrobe. Getting new clothes could even feel as refreshing as a new life direction. Working on your physical strength and wellness are included too now.
It’s a good week for serious commitments.
It is not a good week for a haircut.
Finding something to help you recharge your batteries this week is important. A busy environment permeates the skin and everything going on externally somehow gets taken on internally, so you need to be able to just shut off.
This is a good week to have a calming outlet or practice like exercise or meditation.
This is not a good week for believing everything you hear.
Increased popularity has an “all eyes on you” impact this week and people could be talking about you, what you’re doing and more. It could even be something like going viral. The chart hints at being more fertile for Capricorns and that could be literal procreation as much as it could be the birth of a new project.
This is a good week for a social media boost or utilizing an extended network or friend connection.
This is not a good week for slacking.
A concern with your work, your goals or the future of what you currently do comes up, maybe because of an awkward moment when answering a question and it makes you think about the reality of your job. Whether it’s lack of job or lack of job satisfaction, eclipses bring stark attention to something and though it might not feel clear as to what you want to do in the future, you’ll feel like thinking about it.
This is a good week for creating structure in the existing activities you want to keep in your life.
It is not a good week to pretend that everything is ok as it is.
A desire to learn more about something could strike you, and a general feeling of curiosity is the theme of your week. Either you are super comfortable with change, to the point of rearranging the furniture every few weeks and actually enjoying it! Or you are resistant to new concepts and theories, being a little stuck in old ways.
This is a good week for looking up the answer to pretty much every question that pops into your mind.
It is not a good week for travel.
Eclipses bring on heavy emotions which are sometimes difficult to handle. If you’ve ever wondered which human emotion is dominant within you and how to use your emotional coding, relative to your sign and type for the most fulfilling experience, take a look here!