When Mortal Tongues Awake

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The Zen Den

Hello and welcome to The Zen Den. My name is Alison and while I am passionate about many things, my most inspiring driving force is human connection. Blogger, content writer, orthopedic exercise specialist, motivational speaker, international yoga pro, published songwriter, avid poker player, mom and wife are just a few of my titles. But when I do my job at NASA, I am known simply as “The Fairy Zenmother” a role I deeply love because people invite me into their space to help them find their center, relax and stretch their muscles and destress their mind. Here in the blogosphere version of The Zen Den, I invite you into my world where I will explore ideas for creating a better tomorrow and a kinder today. And hopefully, with insight, authenticity and humor; my words, observations and experiences will help you feel calm, centered, intellectually challenged and spiritually enlightened. Alternatively, if you have something you would like to see covered in The Zen Den, just let me know. Your feedback is welcome and valuable to the success of this blog. Finally, my heart is filled with gratitude to have this opportunity to share with all of you.

America. Why would anyone debate whether this is “Trump’s America” or “Biden’s America”? No single human being owns our collective experience of this amazing land of the free, nor will one person ever be allowed to define who we are. No matter who resides in the oval office, We the People are governed by three equal branches of government created with a system of checks and balances designed ultimately to defy the idea of one man’s projection of who we are and what we want to be in the future.

Built into the constitution by the wisdom and foresight of our founding fathers is the assurance that the most radical left or the most extreme right philosophies will never be allowed to dominate and propagate unless of course, we the citizens grow weary, lose heart and don’t exercise our right to vote.

Every four years we find ourselves in this grotesque political tug of war. Facts are skewed and logic is stretched to a point where some of us throw our hands in the air and declare defeat. “My vote doesn’t count anyway so why should I care?” is a sentiment often repeated on social media sites.

The problem is if “We the People” let apathy win and we throw the white flag in the face of unlawful distortions of our democracy; if personalities blinded by power and intoxicated by greed are allowed to manipulate constitutional norms for personal gain . . . America’s narrative will be at risk to the extremists among us.

Like an acapella choir, every new administration adds a unique tone to the overall sound of America’s song. Some produce more dissonance than others seemingly tone deaf to the harmonious blend of diversity. While other leaders rise to the podium as if holding a conductor’s baton, possessing a natural ear for melody, perfectly placed pauses and synchronized crescendos.

Whatever song is echoing from the hallowed halls of Congress to the craggy shores of the majestic Pacific West Coast, my voice and your voice must be included to produce the most cohesive, uplifting tune of “We the People.”

My country, ‘ tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing . . .
Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees sweet freedom’s song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake . . .

This article was written by a guest blogger. The opinions expressed here are those of the writer and do not reflect the opinions of Bob Lacey, Sheri Lynch or the Bob & Sheri show.

Hello and welcome to The Zen Den. My name is Alison and while I am passionate about many things, my most inspiring driving force is human connection. Blogger, content writer, orthopedic exercise specialist, motivational speaker, international yoga pro, published songwriter, avid poker player, mom and wife are just a few of my titles. But when I do my job at NASA, I am known simply as “The Fairy Zenmother” a role I deeply love because people invite me into their space to help them find their center, relax and stretch their muscles and destress their mind. Here in the blogosphere version of The Zen Den, I invite you into my world where I will explore ideas for creating a better tomorrow and a kinder today. And hopefully, with insight, authenticity and humor; my words, observations and experiences will help you feel calm, centered, intellectually challenged and spiritually enlightened. Alternatively, if you have something you would like to see covered in The Zen Den, just let me know. Your feedback is welcome and valuable to the success of this blog. Finally, my heart is filled with gratitude to have this opportunity to share with all of you.

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