A Time to Heal

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Hosted by
The Zen Den

Hello and welcome to The Zen Den. My name is Alison and while I am passionate about many things, my most inspiring driving force is human connection. Blogger, content writer, orthopedic exercise specialist, motivational speaker, international yoga pro, published songwriter, avid poker player, mom and wife are just a few of my titles. But when I do my job at NASA, I am known simply as “The Fairy Zenmother” a role I deeply love because people invite me into their space to help them find their center, relax and stretch their muscles and destress their mind. Here in the blogosphere version of The Zen Den, I invite you into my world where I will explore ideas for creating a better tomorrow and a kinder today. And hopefully, with insight, authenticity and humor; my words, observations and experiences will help you feel calm, centered, intellectually challenged and spiritually enlightened. Alternatively, if you have something you would like to see covered in The Zen Den, just let me know. Your feedback is welcome and valuable to the success of this blog. Finally, my heart is filled with gratitude to have this opportunity to share with all of you.

Please enjoy the expressions of my heart in song. Let the healing begin . . .

Heart of the World

Beyond, what your mind may dare to dream
Lives a vision shining bright, rising high
Only if we choose to see
We hold the heart of the future within our hands
If we help one another
We can build a bridge together
Across the great divide
Healing the heart of the world with love
And if we will make the most of time
Through the things both great and small
Day by day, just a touch along the way
One selfless gesture of kindness can change the world
There’s no mountain too high that we can’t climb
With every step comes the victory from the love inside
And then hope will bind the hands of fear
Talks of war will disappear, Truth will shine
Setting free the captive mind
The greatest gift to our children a world of love
If we help one another
We can build a bridge together
Across the great divide . . . Peace for all mankind
Healing the heart of the world with love

Watch the premiere of the video at the following link:

Hello and welcome to The Zen Den. My name is Alison and while I am passionate about many things, my most inspiring driving force is human connection. Blogger, content writer, orthopedic exercise specialist, motivational speaker, international yoga pro, published songwriter, avid poker player, mom and wife are just a few of my titles. But when I do my job at NASA, I am known simply as “The Fairy Zenmother” a role I deeply love because people invite me into their space to help them find their center, relax and stretch their muscles and destress their mind. Here in the blogosphere version of The Zen Den, I invite you into my world where I will explore ideas for creating a better tomorrow and a kinder today. And hopefully, with insight, authenticity and humor; my words, observations and experiences will help you feel calm, centered, intellectually challenged and spiritually enlightened. Alternatively, if you have something you would like to see covered in The Zen Den, just let me know. Your feedback is welcome and valuable to the success of this blog. Finally, my heart is filled with gratitude to have this opportunity to share with all of you.

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Episode 112