Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher once said “to know yourself is the beginning of wisdom.”
If someone conducted a national survey of all independent adults in the United States asking them this simple question “do you feel like you are thriving in your life or merely going through the motions of existing?” – I wonder what percentage of people would respond “absolutely yes!” I suspect not that many.
I have a feeling based on my own personal observations that a majority would say they aren’t even sure what it means to “thrive” especially after trying to survive a pandemic while keeping up with the fast pace of our ever-changing society. Not exactly a great year to feel satisfied – but the positive outcome of being so isolated provided all of us with the opportunity to slow down, reassess life, relationships and what really matters in this world.
Secondly, if the follow-up question was “do you feel like you truly know yourself?” I bet the answers would be in line with their feelings of thriving, as to the two seem to go hand-in-hand or maybe even more precisely “heart and mind.”
In the last decade through much self-evaluation and introspection, I can honestly declare that I have come to know who I really am; I have learned what floats my boat and turns my heart lights into full beam. Away from all the noise and demands of this world, I discovered my personal thrive zone is found in nature. While I draw a lot of my energy from human interaction, I know that I have a very strong need to connect with the great outdoors . . . trees, natural streams, birds, butterflies, deer, etc. Without access to nature, I know that my soul would be less nurtured and my overall sense of well-being would be affected.
That self-discovery allowed me to make changes in my environment which would align with my “must haves.” But it isn’t a once and done type of realization. I still have to set my intention every morning and choose to engage in the activities which align with my internal map.
Have you taken the time to sit and reflect and ask yourself . . . “who am I really, what do I want my life to be on a daily basis, am I thriving or just stuck in a routine of human existence?”
To truly know ourselves requires us to pause and have our own reality check moment. Try this: Get specific in your questions. “When am I my happiest?” “What do I need to feel the most alive?” “Do I have toxic relationships weighing me down?” “Is this the life I dreamed of when I was younger?” “What am I ignoring in myself that could be an obstacle to thriving?” While it can be a little scary to journey inward, the rewards far outweigh the discomfort of what you might uncover. It is my observation and belief that the thriving life (which is a life of intention and choosing) leads to No Regrets when the journey comes to an end.
Every day affords a new opportunity to reflect, assess and make the necessary changes to nurture your soul, from finding the right fit in a job to eliminating self-destruction inclinations which don’t serve you.
How do you know when you’ve found your thrive zone? On your internal navigation map it is the place marked with a huge heart that says . . . “You Are Here!” Happy Hunting!
This article was written by a guest blogger. The opinions expressed here are those of the writer and do not reflect the opinions of Bob Lacey, Sheri Lynch or the Bob & Sheri show.