The following is written by a guest blogger. The opinions expressed here are those of the writer and do not reflect the opinions of Bob Lacey, Sheri Lynch or the Bob & Sheri show.
What good is it living in the land of the free and home of the brave if we are fearful and shackled in our minds? While we can worship how we want, vote for who we want and speak up against social injustice whenever we want; how powerful is that freedom if we don’t feel free to simply be ourselves?
Whether in the parent/child or partner relationship, the feeling of walking on eggshells in order to keep the peace is a recipe for an unhealthy mind and an unhappy life.
Freedom to be yourself, to live your truth and enjoy your life only comes when you decide to no longer walk on eggshells for anyone else.
As always, it is the TRUTH that sets us free. And the truth is, unconditional LOVE never requires another person to morph into an idealized mold in order to feel love and acceptance. However, the incessant need to CONTROL does.
Life is short. It is YOUR life and it goes by way too fast to live it trying to prove to someone else you are worthy of being loved and valued just the way you are. Especially by someone who is incapable of doing either.
Your mind can either be the home of the free and the brave or a walled-off prison of shame, fear and punishment. The choice is yours. Perhaps today is the day to stop the cycle, reclaim your life and let freedom ring. Grab the reins, dig your heels in and tell the world you are now and forever Living Free.